Return / Refund Policy

After 30 days of placing your order, we can no longer offer refund or replacement.


If the product is damaged in transit we need 2 clear photos of the damage to process the refund. Once we have the photo evidence we can process the refund for you.

We can offer partial refunds for minimal scratches or damages to the product if the customer prefers to keep the product.


If you product don’t arrive within the estimated delivery time 3 to 5 working days then please contact us and we can arrange a refund or replacement products to be sent out.


If you wish to return the product, you have 30 days to send it back to us. Once your return is accepted and inspected we can issue the refund for you. Please make sure the product is packed well and in a good state.

You will be responsible for paying the postage back so please keep any receipts and tracking information.

The shipping cost is not refundable and we do not offer collections.

We can offer drop-off services at any Hermes drop off point with prior agreement.

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